Why Is My Ebike TYRE Flat But No Puncture?
Flat ebike tires are one of the most annoying issues we can encounter while riding, especially in the summertime. Things can’t get any worse. It always seems like we have maintained our ebikes well, but this problem is always there to be. You know why you are here on this page. Just as usual, we are going to troubleshoot this issue. If your ebike tires are flat from time to time and you don’t know why because there seem to be no pictures, you are in the right place. Keep reading to get bikes back on the road. Contents 1. Check out These Things if Your Ebike Tires Are Losing Air 1.1 Take a Close Look at the Tread 1.2...
Effective Rust Removal and Prevention Tips for Your Bike – Expert Guide
While modern electric bicycle frames, primarily constructed from aluminum and carbon, exhibit minimal susceptibility to surface rust, the same cannot be said for their metal components and screws, predominantly composed of steel. These metallic elements are vulnerable spots where rust can swiftly emerge in the absence of adequate cleaning and maintenance. Rust appears on electric bicycles that have not been used for a long time and have been stored without protection in humid spaces. If this is the case with your e-bike and you want to restore its original state, you should take these cleaning tips into account. Rust is not so easy to remove and requires more effort and the use of specific products. And keep in mind that...
Why Does My Ebike Feel Wobbly?
There are many problems you can encounter with an electric bike, and one of them is wobbly wheels. When your ride is wobbly and unsteady, it could be really annoying and frustrating. For many electric bike beginners, it may be a tough issue to settle as they don’t even know how to defect the potential problem. Lucky for you, here we got the answers and the most common problems why your ebikes feel wobbly. Of course, just like the other troubleshooting blogs from Magicycle, we will provide the corresponding solutions. Keep reading to find what you want. Contents 1. Loose Spokes 2. Tire Pressure 3. Misaligned Wheels 4. Issues with suspension 5. Frame 1. Loose Spokes Both traditional bikes and...