Electric Bike Speed: How Fast Can You Really Go on ebikes?
When you ride an ordinary bike, the fastest speed depends on the effort you pay to step on the pedals. The more you give, the faster you will ride. You have full control of your speed when cycling using regular bikes.
Ebike Classes: Magicycle Class Flexibility
If you're new to e-biking, you may have no idea what is meant by "e-bike classes." Even many veteran e-bikers are not quite sure about the different classes. Let's take a closer look.
Electric Bike Regulations—2022 Update
As the sales of electric bikes are skyrocketing, more and more riders in the US have come to understand the definitions and the 3 basic classifications of ebikes. Right now, Washington DC and other 50 states have defined what electric bikes are. However,
Something You May Not Know About E-Bike : The Definition
The past few years have seen a dramatic rise in the number of electric bikes (or “e-bikes”) in the US. But at the level of each state, electric bikes are classified by different categories.