These bikes are AMAZING! My husband and I got the Cruiser Pros and we couldn't be happier. I am very frugal and it was hard knowing we already bought the other 2 ebikes 10 months ago, but he was so sure and so excited about these that I agreed. It really did change everything. I LOVE my bike and now I am the one asking "So, where are we riding today?"The shocks are so good and along with the thick tires I can ride over pinecones, medium sized sticks and even small curbs smoothly. The first day I'll admit I was a little fearful so I chose the settings with a lot of caution, keeping the speed well under what it can actually do. By the end of the hour I was so much more confident. Its been a couple of weeks of daily riding now and I'm very comfortable. I have changed the settings to allow a higher speed and more levels... This is something I love about the bike too, the settings are so easy I could do it myself. We have ordered some accessories (baskets and bags) to customize our bikes for commuting to work and I'm really excited to start as soon they arrive. If you're on the fence about this, I think they really are worth the price!